guys , lama banget nget nget gue ga ketemu sama lo , kangeeeeeeennnnn ! oiya kemaren abis lebaran kan tuh yee gue minta maaf deh kalo ada salah *banyak tas* oke hem z hehe.
topik gue kali ini tentang pengakuan seorang teman yang bikin gue gregetan luar biasa masyaalah kaga nahan deh gue sama dia! siapa sih dia ? ah udah deh ga perlu tau, yang penting dia itu udah jadi bagian hidup gue yang terpenting juga , hem hahe -_______-
jadi aduh entah kenapa gue jealous banget kalo ada salah satu orang yang gue sayang itu tuh lebih perhatian ke orang lain *dalam artian ke temennya bukan ke pacarnya* ya ini ga menyangkut pacar memacar *zzapataudah* ini menyangkut pertemanan. hem kesel deh gue oh kesel syallala preketek jeger ...
tapi gue tau , lo bukan siapa-siapa gue kan ya ? sampe lo tega ninggalin ge gitu aja , gue kangen lo yang dulu , yang apa-apa selalu nyari gue tapi sekarang ? engga , tadi ? oh tadi ? itu cuma keajaiban aja kok. sekarang ? sampe gue nulis di twitter gue lo ga respond sedikit pun ! bayangin dong ! susah tau jadi gue ! JEALOUS ! -__________-
Rabu, 30 September 2009
Kamis, 24 September 2009
Selasa, 15 September 2009
beberapa hal yang gue sesalkan
hahihu.. lo tau semua ? gue berantem sama kelvin, oh hal yang bagus dong tas ? hah ? bagus ? banget ! hah seneng dong tas ? ohiya dong jelas, trus penting ya tas lo nulis blog ini , iya lah.
heh lo ! yaa lo , kelvin ! hah sorry ya gue marah , gue tadi lagi marah-marah banget, kesel banget , eh pas gue lagi laper-lapernya tuh , makanya gue jerengjengjengjeng deh "heezzzz" hah terserah deh mau minta maaf apa engga , pasti blog gue ga bakal dibaca ama lo kan ? iya kan ? tau gue , bodo deh , cape
byebyebyebye :)
heh lo ! yaa lo , kelvin ! hah sorry ya gue marah , gue tadi lagi marah-marah banget, kesel banget , eh pas gue lagi laper-lapernya tuh , makanya gue jerengjengjengjeng deh "heezzzz" hah terserah deh mau minta maaf apa engga , pasti blog gue ga bakal dibaca ama lo kan ? iya kan ? tau gue , bodo deh , cape
byebyebyebye :)
Jumat, 11 September 2009
huh hah hih heh hoh
malem semua , masa deh ya tadi gue lagi dengerin lagu terus tiba-tiba nangis , gue keinget siapa ya ? ga tau deh ga pasti ga nentu , dia berarti buat gue sangat berarti , hah entah siapa gue ga tau dia siapa , sometimes gue pikir itu adalah gebetan gue , oke mungkin gue terlalu mengingat masa lalu atau terlalu menerawang jauh ke depan. tapi gue rasa bukan , mungkin gue lagi ga pengen mikirin gebetan dan ga penting tapi gue malah kangen banget sama temen-temen gue , temen-temen sekolah gue , terlebih rocketeers. terus gue pikir lagi karena gue kurang sreg aja dengan pikiran kedua tadi , gue kangen sama 7a , ya 7a tersayang , kelas terbaik yang pernah aku miliki , homeroom terbaik yang pernah kudapatkan dan teman-teman , ya teman-teman yang selalu mendukungku , anugerah terbaik yang pernah kutemui selama ini, anugerah dari Tuhan yang luar biasa membuat aku terkagum kagum , entah kenapa sulit sekali untuk meninggalkan kelas tercinta ku ini yang sudah beratus ratus hari aku tingggali. rasa cintaku kepada kelas ku ini sama seperti rasa cintaku terhadap teman-teman yang mengisi kelas 7a dengan keceriaan setiap harinya. tak bisa kubayangkan aku ak hidup dengan teman-temanku ini. homeroom tercinta yang baik yang selalu membimbingku hingga aku kelas 8 ini. terima kasih Tuhan atas anugerah Mu ini.
kangen 7a,
Tasya :')
kangen 7a,
Tasya :')
Selasa, 08 September 2009
0% interest - jason mraz
Our friends on the front porch, well they're telling jokes and they swing swiftly towards happier times
Expending lines and finding more energy for the effort and getting distance from that front porch spotlight
But us we found peace in shadows, long enough to see the monsters rise
Candy's got some space to fill in her daydream living high on yesterday's lies
Talking to me about some 0% interest and, how she got a better deal than the next guy
And the way the lightning shocked us when we were lost and we were looking
Down that long Missouri highway your hair was longer then and now I can remember
Say now I remember oh so well
Oh the roads unencumbered by cats they're burning like wet matches through my miracle mile mind
You left your thumbprint inside me now for months it seems but mine only brushes your soft surface
And somehow
Somehow it leaves me listless, my tongue curls under my lips oh oh yes
So I can't speak to tell you of the months before I met you
And the way, oh the truth it locked us
Oh right about the time after the lightning shocked us
When we were young, when we were young and missing
Round that small New England byway our lives they were sheltered then and now I can remember
Say now well I remember oh so well, almost too well
Well its not even being about that anymore I gotta get you down
Those tiny fragments of perfection they please me in a time
Unchanged when its not the same beginning or along awaited end...
If I knew all the words I would write myself out of here
If I was all the colors I would paint you pretty in gold in a picture, so I'm told little sister
So now I'm sold little sister
Why don't you tell me about the sunsets in Sweden and the laws of Eden
And how you were the rock of Gibraltar, and how they called you foxy
Well that's another whole box of pandora's, that's another whole box of them ties
Slide your foot off the gas before we crash right back into the median
Right back into the median, the median lo-oh
It separates, our house from the middle of the street...
It separates our house from the middle of the street
Talking about our house
Is on the front porch telling jokes and they swing swiftly towards happier times
Expending lines and finding more energy for the effort and getting distance from that front porch
But us we found peace in shadows long enough to see a monster die.
We all need to find a little space in our daydreams long enough and just so long.
Long enough, just as long, just so long as its long enough is it long enough?
Is it long enough for me? Long enough for me to chew on.
If it isn't... if it isn't .. if it ain't if it don't if it can't then it wont.
And that's just the way that it goes.
sumpaaahh lagunya ini bikin gue kagum bangeet banget bangeeeeetan deh ah ..... coba deh dengerin lagunya , rasanya gimanaa gituu .. hehehehehe :D
thanks a lot :)
Expending lines and finding more energy for the effort and getting distance from that front porch spotlight
But us we found peace in shadows, long enough to see the monsters rise
Candy's got some space to fill in her daydream living high on yesterday's lies
Talking to me about some 0% interest and, how she got a better deal than the next guy
And the way the lightning shocked us when we were lost and we were looking
Down that long Missouri highway your hair was longer then and now I can remember
Say now I remember oh so well
Oh the roads unencumbered by cats they're burning like wet matches through my miracle mile mind
You left your thumbprint inside me now for months it seems but mine only brushes your soft surface
And somehow
Somehow it leaves me listless, my tongue curls under my lips oh oh yes
So I can't speak to tell you of the months before I met you
And the way, oh the truth it locked us
Oh right about the time after the lightning shocked us
When we were young, when we were young and missing
Round that small New England byway our lives they were sheltered then and now I can remember
Say now well I remember oh so well, almost too well
Well its not even being about that anymore I gotta get you down
Those tiny fragments of perfection they please me in a time
Unchanged when its not the same beginning or along awaited end...
If I knew all the words I would write myself out of here
If I was all the colors I would paint you pretty in gold in a picture, so I'm told little sister
So now I'm sold little sister
Why don't you tell me about the sunsets in Sweden and the laws of Eden
And how you were the rock of Gibraltar, and how they called you foxy
Well that's another whole box of pandora's, that's another whole box of them ties
Slide your foot off the gas before we crash right back into the median
Right back into the median, the median lo-oh
It separates, our house from the middle of the street...
It separates our house from the middle of the street
Talking about our house
Is on the front porch telling jokes and they swing swiftly towards happier times
Expending lines and finding more energy for the effort and getting distance from that front porch
But us we found peace in shadows long enough to see a monster die.
We all need to find a little space in our daydreams long enough and just so long.
Long enough, just as long, just so long as its long enough is it long enough?
Is it long enough for me? Long enough for me to chew on.
If it isn't... if it isn't .. if it ain't if it don't if it can't then it wont.
And that's just the way that it goes.
sumpaaahh lagunya ini bikin gue kagum bangeet banget bangeeeeetan deh ah ..... coba deh dengerin lagunya , rasanya gimanaa gituu .. hehehehehe :D
thanks a lot :)
kangen kangen kangen
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa udah lamaa gue ga nge post nih yaa .. aduh aduh kangen deh *mending ada yang mau baca sih tas* -,- hoh oke gapapa.. aduh gue lagi kangen kangen kangen nih ya .. nih nih
1. gue kangen sama keadaan sekolah gue setelah 3 hari gue ga masuk karena sakit
2. gue kangen sama sasya yang kadang suka bikin gue makin gila setiap harinya
3. gue kangen sama kelvin yang biasanya nyamperin gue ke kelas , trus semenjak hari sabtu atau minggu kita ga ada contact sama sekali
4. gue kangen sama rocketeers yang biasanya ngumpul di dc ckckck -,-
5. gue kangen sama si michael tukang bikin gue ketawa kalo gue lagi badmood atau ga lagi kesel sama nenek lampir satu itu , bikin mood gue balik kadang bikin gue juga suka keselek sendiri ngeliat tingkahnya , kangen dicubit sama michael , kangen jaketnya michael , kangen suara cemprengnya michael ... weheehehehehehe :)
6. gue kangen sama engkong dan rubik nya setiap pulang sekolah gue selalu diliatin trik barunya aja selalu
7. gue kangen sama devin yang sebenernya hari ini dia itu nyuruh gue masuk sekolah tapi karena gue ga diijinin sama nyokap buat istirahat dulu di rumah jadinya gue ga masuk , gapapa besok kan gue masuk dev, tapi besok lo ga masuk yah ? yah mudah-mudahan kamis deh ya ketemu deh ya , kangen juga gue ama lo.. heheh
8. nih nih si dedew, ih yang suka bikin gue senyum senyum juga , suka kangen juga , suka bikin gue geleng-geleng kepala kalo ketemu dia satu ini .. kangennya luar biasa dan suka bilang kalo gue ga masuk itu pasti di sekolah sepi.. hahahaha ,, sayang kamu dewiii .... muah muah
9. hugo waa hugo , selama 4 hari nih guega contact sama dia dan ga tau keadaannya gimana kangen juga sama rambutnya yang kaya ayam , wakwakaaa...
10. gue kangen anja , anja yang suka ngumpulin duit itu loh ? tau kan tau kan ? ih nja sumpah gue kangen sama cara lo nyari duit .. wekekeekke
11. gue kangen wilson , hah wilson wilson , anak ini semalem sms gue katanya kangen , wakwakwak , kangen ga ada yang traktirin , padahal cuma sekali itu pun gue traktir dia .. ya ga ? ya kan ? kangen juga deeehhh ...
12. kangen sama miss rina , pembimbing mading sekaligus guru english yang suka adu suara cemprengnya sama gue , ah muah muah deh ya miss ..
nah lo siapa lagi ya ? sebenernya gue masih banyak kangennya niih .. cuma yaa karena gue harus tiduran lagi biar besok gue bisa masuk sekolah jadi gue akhiri aja kangen kangen an gue hari ini, oke byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
thanks a lot ;)
1. gue kangen sama keadaan sekolah gue setelah 3 hari gue ga masuk karena sakit
2. gue kangen sama sasya yang kadang suka bikin gue makin gila setiap harinya
3. gue kangen sama kelvin yang biasanya nyamperin gue ke kelas , trus semenjak hari sabtu atau minggu kita ga ada contact sama sekali
4. gue kangen sama rocketeers yang biasanya ngumpul di dc ckckck -,-
5. gue kangen sama si michael tukang bikin gue ketawa kalo gue lagi badmood atau ga lagi kesel sama nenek lampir satu itu , bikin mood gue balik kadang bikin gue juga suka keselek sendiri ngeliat tingkahnya , kangen dicubit sama michael , kangen jaketnya michael , kangen suara cemprengnya michael ... weheehehehehehe :)
6. gue kangen sama engkong dan rubik nya setiap pulang sekolah gue selalu diliatin trik barunya aja selalu
7. gue kangen sama devin yang sebenernya hari ini dia itu nyuruh gue masuk sekolah tapi karena gue ga diijinin sama nyokap buat istirahat dulu di rumah jadinya gue ga masuk , gapapa besok kan gue masuk dev, tapi besok lo ga masuk yah ? yah mudah-mudahan kamis deh ya ketemu deh ya , kangen juga gue ama lo.. heheh
8. nih nih si dedew, ih yang suka bikin gue senyum senyum juga , suka kangen juga , suka bikin gue geleng-geleng kepala kalo ketemu dia satu ini .. kangennya luar biasa dan suka bilang kalo gue ga masuk itu pasti di sekolah sepi.. hahahaha ,, sayang kamu dewiii .... muah muah
9. hugo waa hugo , selama 4 hari nih guega contact sama dia dan ga tau keadaannya gimana kangen juga sama rambutnya yang kaya ayam , wakwakaaa...
10. gue kangen anja , anja yang suka ngumpulin duit itu loh ? tau kan tau kan ? ih nja sumpah gue kangen sama cara lo nyari duit .. wekekeekke
11. gue kangen wilson , hah wilson wilson , anak ini semalem sms gue katanya kangen , wakwakwak , kangen ga ada yang traktirin , padahal cuma sekali itu pun gue traktir dia .. ya ga ? ya kan ? kangen juga deeehhh ...
12. kangen sama miss rina , pembimbing mading sekaligus guru english yang suka adu suara cemprengnya sama gue , ah muah muah deh ya miss ..
nah lo siapa lagi ya ? sebenernya gue masih banyak kangennya niih .. cuma yaa karena gue harus tiduran lagi biar besok gue bisa masuk sekolah jadi gue akhiri aja kangen kangen an gue hari ini, oke byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
thanks a lot ;)
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